Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Desighning Your Home

Raised in College Park, Maryland, I grew up drawing images on windowsills and dresser drawers. After several years of causing general artistic havoc around the house, my art eventually evolved to paper and the occasional canvas. It was just around this time, however, that my father brought home a computer from work. This computer and a couple of pre-bundled applications would form the basis of who I am today. The computer was a Mac Classic, and the programs; MacPaint and Hypercard. Back then you would find me in the basement drawing in MacPaint and copying the artwork over into my next Hypercard project. Whether it was some sort of address book or a clone of CrystalQuest, art and programing were my two passions and this has never changed.
While the tools have evolved by leaps and bounds since then, the basics remain true. My passion for art and my passion for programming have never been stronger. With all of the possibilities of the Web, and the power of tools like Photoshop, my ambitions have only grown. Today, you'll find me tinkering in all sorts of different realms, learning the ins and outs of different technologies and all around trying to hone my skills. To this date, I have a grasp on the following programs and technologies

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